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We take your privacy seriously. Here we explain how and why we use your personal information taken from our website and social media. Personal information is anything which identifies you.


We will not keep information about you longer than needed and will keep your information secure. We will ask you to ‘opt-in’ to communications from us and you can unsubscribe at any time. We will never sell your personal data.  


1.  Information about us


When we use the words ‘we, ‘us’ and ‘our’ we mean Alan Woollett, a sole trader whose registered main trading address is 22 Sandling Lane, Maidstone, Kent, England ME14 2DX.


Our Site, is owned and operated by Alan Woollett.


2. About this policy


This privacy policy applies only to your use of our site. It does not extend to any websites that are linked to from our site (whether we provide those links or whether they are shared by other users).


3. Use of your personal information


We collect and use the information you give us. This includes sending an enquiry and ordering an original piece of artwork or a print.


The personal information we collect may include your name, address, email address and telephone number if you provide them.


We also collect details of your visits to our website, for example your location data, what type of device you use and what pages you visit. We cannot identify you with this information, however we can find out your IP address (the location of the computer on the internet). To find out more about cookies, see below.


We may use photos, films, stories and blogs to help us to promote our work. We use these on a variety of different media, such as on our website or social media. If you featured in any of this media, we would ask your consent before we use your photo, film, story or blog. We can accept consent by email and verbally. At events, where there are large groups of people, we do our best to get consent from people. This is often done verbally.


We also collect information about you:

  • to process your request to never be contacted.

  • to manage your complaint, compliment or comment.

  • when you visit our website; we can find out more information from you, such as your IP address, what browser you are using and what computer operating system that is being used.

  • where it is required or authorised by law.


4. How we collect and use information about you


We collect information about you, from the details you give us. You may have emailed us, filled in an online form or donated to us. We will ask you to ‘opt-in’ for communications such as e-newsletters. We make it clear when you sign up, that your information will only be used for that purpose.


We use personal information to carry out administrative tasks, like processing your orders and dealing with enquiries from you.


5. Cookies and links to other sites


What are cookies?

Cookies are simple ’text files’ containing two pieces of information: a site name and unique user ID. When you use this website for the first time, a cookie is downloaded to your PC or mobile/tablet.


When you use this website again, we will ‘know’ that you have been here before. For example, you may not need to retype in passwords every time you visit our website, as it stores this information for you.


Cookies cannot be used to identify you by name. You can change how cookies are stored on your device by clicking the ‘tools’ menu on your internet browser. Visit website to find out more about how to manage cookies.


Google Analytics sets cookies to help us accurately estimate the number of visitors to the website and what pages people are visiting. This helps us to design a website that helps you get the information you want easily. This site does not collect any information about you except that required for system administration of the website.


Cookies are stored in the cookie directory of your hard drive and do not expire at the end of your session. Although your browser may be set up to allow the creation of cookies, you can specify that you be prompted before a site puts a cookie on your hard disk, so that you can decide whether to allow or disallow the cookie. Alternatively, you can set your computer not to accept any cookie.


This site uses Google Analytics code to gather statistical information. For more information on how Google Analytics processes this information, visit


Cookies on this website from other companies & social networking websites

During your visit to the site you may notice some cookies that are not related to this website. This happens when you visit a page with content embedded from a third party (for example a YouTube video) or use some of the links to social networking sites. These websites may place cookies on your computer.


This website does not control how a third party uses their cookies. You should check these third party websites’ privacy policies for more information about their cookies if you are concerned about this.


Log files

Log files allow us to record visitors’ use of the site. We put together log file information from all our visitors, which we use to make improvements to the layout of the site and to the information in it, based on the way that visitors move around it. Log files do not contain any personal information about you.


Links to other sites

Our website sometimes contains hyperlinks to other websites. We are not responsible for the content or functionality of any of those external websites (but please contact us to let us know if a link is not working).

If an external website requests personal information from you, the information you provide will not be covered by our privacy notice.


6. Storing your information


We will only use and store information for so long as it is required for the purposes it was collected for. How long information will be stored for depends on the information and what it is being used for. For example, if you ask us not to send you marketing emails, we will stop storing your emails for marketing purposes (though we’ll keep a record of your preference not to be emailed).


We never store payment card information. We may need to retain some records to meet our legal obligations – these would include records about money.


Electronic data and databases are stored on secure computer systems and we control who has access to information. We have had data protection training and follow the General Data Protection Regulation and meet the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018.


We are based in the UK and we store our data within the European Union.

Of course, we cannot guarantee the security of your home computer or the internet, and any online communications are at the user’s own risk.

We continually review what information we hold and delete what is no longer required.


7. Accessing, updating or changing your information


We want to make sure you remain in control of your personal data. Part of this is making sure you understand your legal rights, which are as follows:

  • to be informed about what we do with your personal data

  • to access your information by contacting us

  • to be able to change your personal data if it is inaccurate

  • to be erased from our systems, unless it is necessary for us to hold it. For example, if you ask us not to send you marketing emails, we will stop storing your data for marketing purposes (though we’ll keep a record of your preference not to be emailed).

  • to object to us holding your personal data

  • to ask to take your personal data with you

  • to restrict us from processing your data

  • in automated decision-making – which we do not do.


If you would no longer like to receive communications from us, you can tell us at any time.


8. Questions and complaints


Contact us by emailing or write to Alan Woollett Art, 22 Sandling Lane, Maidstone ME14 2DX.


If you believe we have not respected your data protection or privacy rights, you can complain to the UK Information Commissioner’s Officer


9. Changes to this policy


We will update this privacy policy to make sure it stays up-to-date and accurate. This policy was last updated in December 2019.

Payment Methods

22 Sandling Lane, Maidstone

Kent, England ME14 2DX

T:   07432 647 397


MON - FRI:  9am - 8pm

SATURDAY:   9am - 5pm

SUNDAY:   9am - 5pm

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